Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Maiden Post...Packing

Packing.  I know. What an extraordinary topic for my first post on this blog huh? But it kind of makes sense, since that’s where most of my trips usually start. I’m a bit of a fashionista and generally start planning out my wardrobe long before I ever finalize my trip plans. Often my trips are actually planned around my wardrobe. To be honest, I’ve got a better fall/winter look for London so that’s when I prefer to go there. I love to pull out my tweed and plaids for Europe….but I digress.

Back to packing. I’m a bit of a Nazi when it comes to packing (just ask my mother who has been with me to Paris). I refuse to over pack. Why? Because I HATE lugging around burdensome luggage. If I could walk on to the plane with nothing but my coffee and a clutch that’s how I’d go. But that’s slightly unrealistic. I actually have a male coworker who nearly does that. He can pack everything he needs (including his lap top) for a two day trip in his backpack. Seriously….I kind of hate him.

So how do I merge my fashionista need to be utterly fashionable with my desire to “pack lite”? One word…lists. I love a good list. I love checking things OFF the list. So I’ve found this miraculous site that generates all sorts of handy lists for just such an occasion. Gone are the days of leaving my charger or sunglasses at home or wondering whether or not I locked the front door and secured the doggie door.

I also love, love, love these , especially for long trips. They save space AND you never have to worry about getting to your hotel only to find that your bag mysteriously found its way into a pond between the check-in counter and the hull of the plane. I have a two week road trip coming up for work that will take me from Idaho, to Jackson Hole, WY to Montana, up to Calgary circling back thru Montana and ending up with a flight to Phoenix for a girls spa weekend. Now tell me that doesn’t pose a packing dilemma! These vacuum bags will be my saving grace for this trip that will not only include cowboy boots and fleece for the “glamping” portion of the trip…but also several swimsuits and maxi dresses for the Phoenix portion of the trip. More on this trip later.

Another one of my tricks…I buy things I need like saline solution and hairspray once I get to my location. I have yet to travel to any area that I can’t find saline solution or hairspray. Of course…I’m not exactly hiking the rugged outback of Siberia. I’m doubtful the Siberian nomads have much use for hairspray.

So how do I pack my fashionista necessities? Whether it’s a work trip or pleasure trip I always try to keep my wardrobe to one base color…black or brown. I do this mainly because of the shoes. Shoes are clunky and take up WAY too much room in your suitcase if you’re not careful.  Not to mention they are uber heavy. So I’ve found that if I start from the ground up (i.e. my shoes) I waste a lot less space and it’s easier to coordinate outfits when you’re matching everything to either black or brown/khaki. From there I usually wear a dress to travel in and then pack one pair of black pants, one pair of jeans, a light sweater, white poplin shirt, yoga pants or shorts, t-shirt, tennis shoes, swimsuit, and undergarments. Sometimes there is a jacket thrown in depending on the weather and/or the work situation.

I pack lite because I also like to shop. No matter where I am or how packed my schedule is…there always seems to be a little time for shopping…and I do like to support local merchants when I can.

So here is the list of secrets to packing lite:

1.       Roll your clothes or use the vacuum bags. This cuts down on space as well as keeps things from getting too horribly wrinkled.

2.       Make a list. If you have a check list of the things you want to take you’re less likely to over-pack.

3.       Assume you’ll re-wear everything at least once.  That’s a big trick. The people I meet with today have no idea that I wore the same dress yesterday. And if you’re on vacation…no one cares what you wore yesterday!

4.       Don’t over pack the toiletries. That palate of 32 different eyeshadows that you just HAD to have has no place in your toiletries bag. Pick two eyeshadows and be done. Same goes for lipsticks. You don’t need to travel with 8. Pick one nude one and one that’s a bit flashy for when you want to go out.

5.       Hair accessories. You probably don’t need to haul your hot rollers. Just sayin’.

6.       Most hotels, B&Bs, lodges, etc., provide soap, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, hairdryers…all the basics. And if you forget something like a razor or toothbrush…most places are happy to provide those for you.

7.       Technology. Unless you’re traveling for work OR you’re a travel blogger…do you really need to take your laptop? Probably not. Leave it at home. Also, think about where you’ll be going. IF you’re headed to the mountains…the chances of getting a cell reception for your Kindle or iPad is slim to none. I’m writing this from Alpine, WY and believe me…my iPhone is struggling to find any service at all.

8.       Reading material. I love a good magazine but I try not to hoard them. When I’m done with one I either hand it off to someone else at the airport or put in the recycling bin. Those can get heavy and cumbersome. Books are hardly worth mentioning since hardly anyone actually travels with novels anymore. But my theory is the same with books. Unless they are hardback/expensive books worth keeping…consider leaving them on the plane/train/bus etc once you’re finished and allowing someone else the unexpected joy of getting a free book.

9.       Pack for your location. If you’re in Montana you’re not going to need a cocktail dress. If you’re in Manhattan a LBD (little black dress) can work for day and night.

10.   Finally, pack early. Don’t wait until the last minute. When you’re stressed and rushed you tend to just throw things in your suitcase that you have no intention of wearing.


Got other tips that make your trip prep a breeze? I’d love to hear them! Please share in the comments.

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